PrinceCreeper's Terrifying Tales from the Toaster

One day, Fatal was fucking a slimey corpse. GiveMePancakes caught him.
Then, Fatal ground him up into sausage meat.
He buried the bones in the cows.
To keep the murder a secret, he told everyone he killed GiveMePancakes.
Fatal mixed his new sausage meat with new sausage meat and added some new sausage meat, weed, crack, and meth.
To give it a special flavor, he smoked 2000 phillie blunts.
He called it "Fatal's Wonderful Sausage".
There was such a demand for Fatal's tasty sausage, that Fatal bought the best weed he could smoke and started raising children in farms.
He looked out for phillie blunts, which might make a tasty sausage.
A fatass trucker came to the store.
Fatal grabbed his ass, and ground the trucker up into sausage meat.
Dim Karkrashian came to the butcher shop.
Fatal grabbed her and ground her up into sausage meat.
Then Fatal started jerking off until he jizzed weird pale blue semen.
Then, SG came by.
He was wearing a gas mask and he was holding a fat blunt in his hands.
He lit the fat blunt and then Fatal started to inhale the smoke fumes.
Fatal got high before he could throw SG in the sausage grinder.
Then, SG ground him up into gyro meat.
No one knows for sure just what happened to Fatal that day.
Some say he was fed to a fatass at McDonalds.
Others say that the people that came up with the other theory were stupid.
Fatal was never seen again.
And neither was his wonderful sausage meat.